It is recommended to include exercise for at least 30 Minutes in your daily activities during pregnancy, to include:
- Exercises for aerobic endurance / fitness,
- Exercises for strength and
- Exercises for flexibility.
What must be taken care when exercising during pregnancy?
In an activity during pregnancy, it is highly important to measure heartbeat, because due to the imbalance of heart rate the fetus can suffer a lack of oxygen (hypoxia).
Also, do not overdo it with the intensity and frequency of exercise. Put your realistic goals depending on how much you were active before pregnancy.
We also recommend to avoid activities that could cause the loss of balance, so for certain exercises always arrange a support (chair, wall).
Training should include pelvic floor muscles, as these muscles during pregnancy and childbirth are most affected due to their exhaustion. Also after childbirth may occur urinary incontinence so one must pay close attention to train the pelvic floor muscles.
Aerobic activity you choose according to your interests, we're going to present some strength work out below that is recommended to every single pregnant woman. To learn more, continue reading the entire article and to view the top 10 exercises during pregnancy.
- Exercises for aerobic endurance / fitness,
- Exercises for strength and
- Exercises for flexibility.
What must be taken care when exercising during pregnancy?
In an activity during pregnancy, it is highly important to measure heartbeat, because due to the imbalance of heart rate the fetus can suffer a lack of oxygen (hypoxia).
Also, do not overdo it with the intensity and frequency of exercise. Put your realistic goals depending on how much you were active before pregnancy.
We also recommend to avoid activities that could cause the loss of balance, so for certain exercises always arrange a support (chair, wall).
Training should include pelvic floor muscles, as these muscles during pregnancy and childbirth are most affected due to their exhaustion. Also after childbirth may occur urinary incontinence so one must pay close attention to train the pelvic floor muscles.
Aerobic activity you choose according to your interests, we're going to present some strength work out below that is recommended to every single pregnant woman. To learn more, continue reading the entire article and to view the top 10 exercises during pregnancy.
1. Head rotation
2. Shoulders circulation
3. Leg side circulation

Lie down on your side and adjust. The lower arm is stretched out and gives support to the head (watch the head in extension of the spine). The upper arm is loose rests on the ribs. Upper leg rise to the level of the hip and start slowly to rotate in one direction ten times in ten different direction. Relaxed breathing and constantly squeeze button to your spine and focus on pressing the pelvic floor muscles. Keep in mind to remain side by side above the hip and shoulder above the shoulder. Change the side.
4. Squat (settling on a chair)

Chair behind you. Stepping wider than the hips, feet are pointing slightly outward. Start the movement by pushing your hips back, the back remains straight and abdomen compressed. Controlled sit on a chair and then rise to the starting position. At the downhill breathe in, breathe out when lifting up. Repeat it 10 to 12 times.
5. Diagonal lift

The exercise is carried out on all fours. Placing the palm of your hand under shoulders, knees under hips. The back is in a neutral position, the abdomen is compressed (pull belly button towards your spine). Squeeze the pelvic floor muscles. In this position, inhale and exhale at the same time to put your right arm and left leg. With the breath come back to the starting position and then change the side. In motion at all times pay attention to your hips that it is aligned with the backbone in the lumbar region without bending . Repeat the exercise 5 times on each side.
6. Rise on your toes while holding a chair / wall
7. Building a Bridge

Lie down on your back, feet in the width of the hips, arranged in parallel. The spine is in the neutral position (ie, the rump is raised from the ground), the shoulders are away from your ear. Gently pull your chin inward, as if doing a double chin. Squeeze navel towards the spine and activate the pelvic floor. In this position, inhale and exhale gently, Cross and rise up to the blades. In the top position again inhale and exhale the same way. You're going back to the ground while moving gently rub the spine. Repeat ten times.
8. Let's be a Cat
9. Butterfly seat

Sit on your bum. Put your foot on the foot so that your knees form a butterfly. With your hands grab your feet and elbows lay on the inner side of the leg. Breath, then exhale elbows gently stick a knee and hold it for some time. Because most pregnant women due to the hormones become more flexible, it is very important that you move with caution in the implementation and not overreacting.
10. Lean forward with open legs

You stand. Put one foot about half a meter backward and turn slightly outward. Legs are extended. Put your hands on the hips and move your waist slightly backwards. At the same time with a straight back gently bend forward at the waist. All the time you pull belly button towards your spine. Hold it for a while and then change it to the other foot.