ConstipationDue to the modern way of life, more and more people have problems with slow digestion and constipation. Most people believe that their digestion is in order even if they have only 2 to 3 bowel movements weekly, not knowing that this is actually a sign of slow digestion.
A healthy person has at least one bowel movement daily. Although each person has his or her own digestive rhythm, difficult, infrequent bowel movements less than once daily with a feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation and bloating can in most cases be labelled as slow digestion, which can lead to chronic constipation due to poor diet and insufficient exercise. Such problems usually begin at a young age but are more frequent with advancing years. |
''Donat Mg is a natural laxative that always works and
does not cause tolerance.''
Possible causes of constipation include:
How Donat Mg helps with constipation
Because of its hyperosmolarity, Donat Mg is a natural osmotic laxative. It is classified as a saline laxative.
Its effectiveness as a laxative is due to sulphate salts (magnesium sulphate or Epsom salt and sodium sulphate or Glauber’s salt) and around 1000 mg/l of magnesium. Sulphates draw water from the cells of the intestinal wall by osmosis, increasing the volume of intestinal content 3 to 5 times; this exerts pressure on the intestinal wall and triggers its peristalsis or movement. Magnesium also additionally stimulates the intestinal hormones that boost peristalsis. Important: Please adhere to the recommended intake. If consumed in excessive quantities, diarrhoea may occur, but this should stop when you cease drinking the Donat Mg. |